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If you are wanting to find out what help is available from benefits if you are affected by the cost of living crisis please read our Cost of living support help page.


Many questions we are asked can be answered by using our calculator. For example:

If I take a part time job will it affect my benefits?

My child has left home so I have stopped getting child benefit. Am I entitled to anything else?

Will I be entitled to anything if I drop my hours at work after having my second child?

Enter your current details into the calculator to find out what you may be entitled to now and if your circumstances are changing do another calculation to see if the amounts have changed.

If you have tried the tool and need further advice you can get more information about your entitlement to benefits from a range of voluntary and statutory organisations.

Advice NI: An Independent Advice Network in Northern Ireland

Advice UK: A network of Independent Advice Services across the UK

advicelocal: A list of free, independent advice organisations from the advice charity Lasa

Age UK: A free, confidential national phone service for older people, their families, friends, carers

British Deaf Association: Help with welfare rights issues for deaf people

Carers UK: Carers UK is the voice of carers and the leading campaigning, policy and information organisation for carers

Citizens Advice: Comprehensive information on your rights online, by phone or face to face

Disability Rights UK: Network for disabled people Comprehensive directory of government online services and information

Low Incomes Tax Reform Group: Help and advice on tax and tax credits for people on low incomes

macmillan: Advice for anyone affected by cancer

NIdirect: Comprehensive directory of government services for Northern Ireland including benefits check 'Make the call' team / debt advice line / homelessness / housing rights

RNIB: help with welfare rights issues for blind people

Resolver: For information on your consumer rights and how to complain

Shelter: If you need help with a housing query

StepChange: For help and support with debt

VoiceAbility: Help for disabled people living in Scotland to claim Scottish benefits
