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Welcome! Here you can read about our view on benefits changes with the odd update about our tools and services.

entitledtolearn – What we’ve learned about the world of adult training

June 16, 2023 – entitledto

In 2022, in collaboration with The Digital College, we trialled a new service called 'entitledtolearn' which aimed to help its users find placements on free training and education courses. In this blog we summarise our findings and link to a full project report.

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Billions of means-tested benefits remain unclaimed each year

May 05, 2023 – entitledto

We are frequently asked for up-to-date figures about the amount of income-related benefits being left unclaimed by those entitled to them. Despite lack of new data from the DWP entitledto's benefits boffins have updated our estimates and renewed our call for better data in the future.

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Universal Credit: Marks out of 10 on its 10th birthday

April 27, 2023 – entitledto

In our latest blog/report we decided to mark UC’s tenth birthday by providing an assessment of what’s good, bad and indifferent in the way UC’s been designed and implemented over the last ten years. Read to find out how we've scored it in each of ten categories.

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Supporting Londoners to access advice and guidance

February 10, 2023 – entitledto

As part of a GLA funded digital tools programme to help Londoners during the cost of living crisis we have added new functionality to our public benefits calcautor - find out more in our latest blog

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£15+ billion unclaimed means-tested benefits – but the sketchy take-up data makes it hard to say for sure

January 05, 2021 – entitledto

In our latest blog covering the take-up of income-related benefits we find over £15 billion is still being unclaimed by low income households across the UK. On paper this may look better than last year's £16 billion but the reduced amount of data made available by the government serves to raise more questions than they answer.

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